How it Works


Where winning is a habit!

Step 1: Become A Wincredible

Sign-up for an account and prepare for a Wincredible journey!

Step 2: Explore Our Campaigns

Take a tour of our offerings. What sets us apart? Well, it's the fact that our products are your golden tickets to something extraordinary.

Step 3: Purchase Our Classy Merch

Set your eyes on the desired product, make payment. And you’ll automatically be selected as one of the contestants for a lucky draw.

Step 4: Contribute In Our CSR

Since we keep the pool of contestants limited to 500 - 5000 spots, the winning odds are incredibly good. But here's where the fun begins—you can boost your chances of winning by 1 if you donate what you bought!

Step 5: Begin The Countdown

Once the maximum number of participants is reached, the countdown to the draw date begins. The wait is thrilling, but not as thrilling as winning.

Step 6: Celebrate Your WIN

When the day comes, we announce the winner and their prize. So get ready to be a part of Wincredibles!